April 2024

Console Sidebar Improvements


Date: April 29, 2024

We're excited to announce several improvements to the Console's sidebar user experience. These enhancements are designed to provide end-users with a more intuitive and streamlined experience. Developers can leverage these improvements by integrating their apps with the Console SDK v1.1.1.


To ensure a consistent and cohesive experience for end-users, it's important to use the same version of the Console SDK across all apps within a solution. We highly recommend using the latest version of the SDK (v1.1.1) to offer an enhanced experience to your end-users.

Sidebar Overlay Behavior

The sidebar overlay now opens only when a user clicks on the hamburger menu, providing a cleaner and more focused interface. The overlay automatically closes after the user takes the primary action within the sidebar.

Consistent App Highlighting

The highlighted app in the sidebar remains consistent with the app that is currently being accessed. This improvement helps users clearly understand their location within the Console.

Intuitive Sub-Menu Access

The app's sub-menu has been redesigned to make it more intuitive and accessible. Users can now effortlessly explore and navigate through the sub-menu options, enabling them to find the desired functionality quickly and efficiently.

To get started with these improvements, please refer to the Console for Web Apps and SDK documentation for detailed integration instructions.