June 2024

PEC Service Updates


Date: June 25, 2024

We're excited to announce following PEC service updates:

Event Data in Failure Event Callbacks

Event data is now returned in callback responses for failure events. Developers can now access event data for both success and failure scenarios.

Support for Participant Type and Entity Type as Data Types

  • Added support for participant_type and entity_type as custom attribute data types in entity type schemas.
  • Introduced validation for these new data types, similar to the participant service.
  • Enables foreign key-like support in entities.
  • Allows entities to reference other entities or participants as properties.

Key Features:

  • entity_type:
    • Accepts another valid entity as a property.
    • Uses format: "<attributeName>": "instanceId"
    • Requires valueOneOf validation specifying allowed entity types.
  • participant_type:
    • Accepts valid participant instances (users, vehicles, teams) as properties.
    • Uses format: "<attributeName>": "ptpinstanceId"
    • Supports valueOneOf validation for specifying allowed participant types.

📚 Developer Resources

Developers can find more detailed information, guides, and examples in the following documentation: