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19 "version": "1.0.0",
20 "displayName": "Vehicles",
21 "isPrivate": true,
22 "isConsoleCompatible": true,
23 "isMarketplaceCompatible": true,
24 "status": "DEVELOPMENT",
25 "state": {
26 "createApp": "SUCCESS",
27 "subscribeApp": "SUCCESS",
28 "grantPerimssions": "FAILED"
29 },
30 "appUrls": [
31 {
32 "name": "interface",
33 "url": "https://mytenant.os1.delhivery.com/my-app"
34 }
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40 }
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53 },
54 "shortDescription": "This is a short description of the app",
55 "longDescription": "This is a very long description of the app",
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57 [
58 "logistics",
59 "delivery",
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61 ]
62 ],
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69 "fileDescription": "Security scan report",
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71 }
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104 }
105 }
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108 {
109 "solutionId": "solution:b31414f1-bc40-42c9-bcc0-ed7a47126441"
110 }
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112 }
113 ]