OS1 Services
Order Service
Integrate with Platform Order ...

How To: Platform Order Management


How to: Config Platform Order Attributes

For information about prerequisites, see Creating Order. Call the Order Config endpoint to add the Attributes to a Platform Order.The following sample request body only defines a couple of custom Attributes such as the name of Order attributes for an Order.


How to Update Configured Order Attributes

To update the configured Order attributes, call the Update Order Attributes endpoint.

How to Get Configuration of Order Attributes

To get the list of all configured Order attributes, call the Get Custom Attributes of an Order endpoint.

How to: Configure Order State Machine

Learn more about the State Machine Service. Learn more about configuring State Machine.

How to Get Order State Machine Configuration

To get the configuration of a State Machine for an Order call the Get Order State Machine Configuration endpoint.

How to Update Order State Machine Configuration

Call the Update State Machine Configuration for an Order endpoint to update the State Machine configuration.

How to: Create an Order

Before creating an Order, configure Platform Order Attributes. Once the attributes are configured call Create Order endpoint and pass the payload similar to what is shown below.


Managing Orders

To manage an order, utilize the endpoints provided by the Order service. Call the Update Order attributes endpoint for modifications in Order created, while the Get Order details endpoint helps retrieve in-depth details about the orders. Apply the Order Cancellation endpoint for changes in cancellation details and to add or update the WorkOrder, use the Add WorkOrder to the Order endpoint.

Add WorkOrder to the Order

How to: Configure Custom Code in Platform Order Management

Learn more about Custom Code.

To register Custom Code configuration in the Platform Order Management service call register custom code configurations API Endpoint.

Sample payload for adding Custom code configuration is given below:


How to: Update Custom Code Configuration

To update the Custom Code configuration in Platform Order Management, call the update custom code configurations endpoint.

How to: Get Configured Custom Code

To get the details of configured Custom Code in Platform Order Management, call the GET Custom Code Configuration endpoint.