How to: Use Plugin in Platform Order Management
Order Plugin is used for validation/enrichment of Order initiated, get more information about Plugin Attributes.
To create the external plugin in Platform Order Service, check the details of the Order Plugin Attributes given. Sample JSON is provided further.
Sample JSON for Creating Order Plugin:
To update the Update a plugin call the Update Plugin API endpoint and update the Order Plugin as shown below.
Sample JSON to Update Order Plugin:
To get details of any specific Order Plugin call the GET Order Plugin by ID API endpoint and enter the plugin ID to fetch its details.
The WorkOrder plugin is used to define the sequence in which the plugins will be executed (in case of more than one plugin). Get more details about attributes of Creating Plugin Workflow.
Call the Create WorkOrder Plugin endpoint API and structure the payload as shown below.
Sample JSON for Creating WorkOrder Plugin:
To Update the WorkOrder Plugin call the API endpoint and update the WorkOrder plugin attributes.
To fetch the WorkOrder plugin details call the GET WorkOrder Plugin API endpoint and pass the WorkOrder Plugin ID.