Introduction to Users
A User represents the human resource that performs a task or a set of tasks such as pick-up, delivery, and operations management. Users perform various assigned roles, such as operator, supervisor, and manager.
You can use the User API to build apps that can onboard and manage Users in your customer’s Organization.
By default, a User has four lifecycle states:
- Onboarding - User data is being entered and/or verified.
- Active - User data is verified and the User is activated.
- Deboarding - The User is in the process of being deactivated (for example, serving a notice period).
- Inactive - The User has been deactivated.
To retrieve the current state of a USER, call the Get User State endpoint.
The response body is returned in JSON format:
To change the state of a User, call the User State Transition endpoint and pass the following parameters in the request body:
Member | Description |
toState | One of the valid state codes: onboarding, active, deboarding, or inactive. |
reasonCode (optional) | A valid reason code associated with the event. |
data (optional) | Any additional information about the transition. |
Request bodies are specified in JSON format. The following example request body shows how to change the state of the User:
Attributes describe the characteristics of an object in the platform. The User API specifies a set of system-defined attributes and allows for the creation of Custom Attributes.
The following Attributes are defined by default for each User in the system:
Attribute | Description | Data type |
firstName (required) | The first name of the User. | String |
middleName | The middle name of the User. | String |
lastName | The last name of the User. | String |
designation (required) | The Organizational title or position assigned to a User. To fetch default designations, use the GET All Designation endpoint. | String |
The email address of the User. | String | |
category (required) | The User type within the organization.Values: Regular or Adhoc. | String |
primaryMobile (required) | The primary mobile number of the User. | VarChar |
primaryMobile > countryCode (required) | Standard country code for primary mobile number | String |
primaryMobile > number (required) | The mobile number of the User. It should be valued between 4 - 10 numeric digits. | String |
secondaryMobile | The secondary mobile number of the User. This is a structure consisting of two fields: the country code and the mobile number. | VarChar |
employmentType (required) | The employment type of the User.Values: Full-time, Part-time, Contract/ Adhoc, or N/A. | String |
workLocations | An array of work locations for the user. Example: facilities:1238-232-dsfs23-sdsdc | String |
manager | The Participant ID of the User’s supervisor. | String |
identification | The type of identification document used to validate the User.Valid values: Drivers license, Passport, PAN card, Aadhar card, or VoterID. | String |
subFunction | The subfunction of the user. | String |
fileID | The file ID of a picture of the user in the File Management System. Example: file:1238-232-dsfs23-sdsdc | String |