Messaging APIs
The APIs in this guide are applicable for sending messages and notifications across the SMS, email, and WhatsApp channels. Check out the Mobile Push Notifications guide for sending push notifications to Android and iOS applications.
By integrating with the Messaging Service, application developers can send messages via SMS, email, and WhatsApp. This integration provides a comprehensive set of APIs for sending messages across different channels including SMS, email, and WhatsApp. Moreover, it supports one-way and two-way messaging (WhatsApp), allowing applications to send notifications and messages to users while also receiving responses.
Follow the steps below to send one-way messages:
- Register Service Provider (Optional for SMS & Email, Required for WhatsApp):
- When registering a new service provider for SMS, developers can choose a pinpoint provider which has configuration for Toll Free Number (TFN) & 10-Digit Long Code (A2P Registered) originator numbers configured.
- For SMS and Email:
- Registering a service provider is optional.
- If not provided, the default messaging service provider will be used.
- For WhatsApp:
- Registering a service provider is mandatory.
- You need to provide the necessary credentials and configuration for the WhatsApp provider.
- Create Templates:
- Templates define the structure and content of the messages to be sent.
- Placeholders allow for dynamic content to be inserted while messages are sent.
- Register Notification for admin review (optional step):
- Provide the necessary details for each notification, such as:
- Notification name and description
- Supported channels (SMS, Email, WhatsApp)
- Associated templates for each channel
- Tenant admin review:
- Admins can review the registered notifications submitted by app developers.
- They can decide to enable or disable each notification based on their review.
- Send Messages:
- If notifications are registered, then you need to use the SendMessagewithNotifications to send messages.
- Provide the necessary data to populate the placeholders in the associated templates.
- The messaging service will send the messages using the specified channels (SMS, Email, WhatsApp).
- Retrieve the delivery status of the sent messages using the callback provided in the send message API.
Follow the steps below to send two-way messages:
- Create a Service Provider Account: Create an account with a WhatsApp service provider such as InfoBip and get the credentials.
- Register Service Provider: Call the CreateServiceProvider API to provide the API keys for your service provider.
- Get Webhook: Get the inbound webhook the CreateService Provider response.
- Register Notifications for tenant admin review (optional step):
- Provide the necessary details for each notification, such as:
- Notification name and description
- Supported channel (WhatsApp)
- Associated templates for WhatsApp
- Tenant admin review:
- Admins can review the registered notifications.
- They can decide to enable or disable each notification based on their review.
- Send 2-way message:
- Provide the necessary data to populate the placeholders in the associated templates.
- Include the recipient's phone number and any additional parameters required for the two-way message.
- The messaging service will send the WhatsApp message using the specified template and await a response from the recipient.
- Handle the recipient's response using the registered inbound webhook and perform any necessary actions based on the response.
SMS and Email:
- Registering a service provider is optional.
- If not provided, the default messaging service provider will be used.
- Registering a service provider is mandatory.
- You need to provide the necessary credentials and configuration for the WhatsApp provider.
To register new service providers, they can call CreateServiceProviders. The registration process captures the following:
Parameter | Description |
name* | The unique name of the provider to be created. Example: aws-ses-external. |
providerType* | Provider type for which the instance is to be created. Example: ses. |
credentials | Values of the credentials specified in the provider type. Example Object: OrderedMap { "accessKeyId": "someSecretKey", "region": "ap-south-1", "secretAccessKey": "secretAccessKey", "projectId": "accountIdForRef" }. |
isActive | Indicates whether the provider is active or not. |
isTenantDefault | Tenants can set this to true to mark set a default provider. Boolean values:
Below is a sample request for registering a service provider.
Developers can call CreateTemplates to create message templates that include the message body with dynamic parameter placeholders. These templates support tenant- and app-level placeholders and can be reused for future purposes. When sending out messages, the SendMessage API enables the option to specify a template to use, and the Messaging service will automatically populate the placeholders with the parameter data defined in the request body. We included tables with the parameters for creating a template:
Body Parameters
The table below includes the primary template parameters :
Parameter | Description |
name* | The name of the template to be created. Must follow the pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,50}$. Example: order-delivered. |
externalRef | External template ID unique from TRAI. Applicable for SMS only. Example: 1243234232. |
mode* | The mode of the template. Enum: sms, email, push, or whatsapp Example: sms. |
Data | The data object containing oneOf `SMSBody, EmailBody, or WhatsappBody |
Template Data Object Parameters
The table below includes the parameters for SMS, email, and Whatsapp within the data object.
Parameter | Description |
body* | Message with placeholders for SMS. Example: Dear {{name}}, your order {{OrderId}} has been delivered successfully. |
senderId | The `senderId` is a unique name or standard mobile number that appears in the "from" field of text messages. If the senderId is not provided, the sender ID of the tenant configuration will be used. Example: DLHVRY. |
externalRef | Unique external reference ID |
originationNumber | A origination number is a standard number that will be used to send the messages. If not provided, the origination number of tenant config will be used. |
To register notifications supported by your application, use the CreateNotifications API. This API allows you to specify the notification details, such as app ID, notification name, templates to use with supported channels. Refer the the Register Notifications documentation for additional details.
You can use use GetAllTemplates to retrieve all message templates for a tenant, or GetTemplate to retrieve a single template by name.
Developer apps can call SendMessages and specify a template to send messages. If notifications are registered, call the SendMessageNotifications endpoint to send messages with notifications.
The messaging service will populate the template using parameter data and checks if the template is approved and notifications are enabled. Developers can also send bulk messages by specifying multiple message objects. The SendMessages request body uses the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
senderId | A Sender ID is a unique name or standard mobile number that shows in the "from" field of your text messages on your phone. If not provided, the senderId of the template will be used. Example: DLHVRY |
originationNumber | A origination number is a standard number that will be used to send the messages. If not provided, the origination number of tenant config will be used. |
template* | Name of the template used to send this message. Example: order-delivery-otp |
provider | Name of the config instance used for sending the message. Optional parameter. If not provided, the OS1 default provider will be used. Example: aws-pinpoint |
data | Placeholders for the message. Example: OrderedMap { "otp": "342365" } |
to* | An array of Phone objects (minimum 1 item required). |
to.Phone | Phone number object |
to.Phone.countryCode | Country code of the phone number. Example: 91 |
to.Phone.number | Phone number (minimum 4 digits, maximum 10 digits) Example: 9812345600 |
callback | Provide a callback URL if you need to get the message status and errors. The messaging service does not store the status and error response. |
callback.url* | The callback URL Example: |
callback.meta | Additional metadata if applicable. |
See below for example SendMessage requests:
- Email
- WhatsApp
- bulk
The messaging service supports 2-way messages for WhatsApp. The application can use this feature to send messages for which it expects a response. The user's response will be delivered to the registered webhook, allowing the application to receive and process the response accordingly. Follow the steps below to configure and send 2-way messages:
Create an account with a WhatsApp service provider such as InfoBip and get the credentials.
Call the CreateServiceProvider API to provide the API keys for your service provider.
Body Parameters
Parameter | Description |
name* | The unique name of the provider to be created. Example: aws-ses-external. |
providerType* | Provider type for which the instance is to be created. Example: ses. |
credentials | Values of the credentials specified in the provider type. Example Object: OrderedMap { "accessKeyId": "someSecretKey", "region": "ap-south-1", "secretAccessKey": "secretAccessKey", "projectId": "accountIdForRef" }. |
isActive | Indicates whether the provider is active or not. |
isTenantDefault | Tenants can set this to true to mark set a default provider. Boolean values:
Example Request
The following request registers Infobip as a service provider for WhatsApp messaging. You would need to obtain the necessary credentials such as your clientId and secret.
In the CreateServiceProvider response, you'll get the inbound webhook endpoint. Use this webhook to register this url with the service provider to configure 2-way messaging.
Example response
To register notifications supported by your application, use the CreateNotifications API. This API allows you to specify the notification details, such as app ID, notification name, templates to use with supported channels. Refer the the Register Notifications documentation for additional details.
Call the Send2WayMessage endpoint to send a two-way message. The request supports the following media types for WhatsApp messages:
Supported media types
The messaging service supports the following media types for WhatsApp messages:
- Text: Plain text messages.
- Images: URL link of the image to include with the message. The supported media types are JPG, JPEG, PNG images with a maximum size of 5MB.
- Documents: URL link of the document to send along with the message. The supported file types are PDF, DOC, and DOCX with a maximum size of 100MB.
- Interactive buttons: Quick reply buttons and URL buttons for interactive messaging.
To include media in a WhatsApp message, specify the media details in the media object of the SendTwoWayMessage API request.
Body Parameters
Parameter | Description |
from | Sender's standard mobile number from which messages would be sent. If not provided then from of template or tenant-config will be used. |
message* | oneOf -> TemplatedMessage, CustomMessage |
provider | Name of config instance used for send message. Optional parameter if not provided os1 default provider will be used. |
to* | Phone number object containing countryCode and number fields. |
acceptedResponses | Array of expected responses from the user. Will be redirected to the app by associated webhook url. |
dynamicResponseRegex | If expected response belongs to specific format then would get compared with provided pattern and redirected using defaultInbound webhook. |
webhook | Other configured webhooks for the response of this message, including defaultInbound, status, and invalidResponse webhooks. |
responseTimeout | Time in seconds till when response from the user can be acknowledged and redirected to the app. Maximum allowed is up to 6 hrs. |
context | Additional data which will be sent along with the webhook responses back to app, maximum size is 100kb. |
errorMessage | Text to be forwarded to user in case of invalid response i.e. response does not match any of accepted responses. |
Example request
The following request demonstrates a 2-way WhatsApp message that includes an order confirmation template, media attachments (document and image), a URL button, and a callback URL for message delivery details.
In the above example:
- from: The sender's number is "123324242".
- template: The message template being used is "order-delivery-otp".
- provider: The WhatsApp messaging provider is "infobip".
- media: The message includes a PDF document and an image.
- The PDF document has a URL of "https://example.comdocs/file.pdf" and a file name of "Delivery Instructions.pdf"
- buttons: The message includes a URL button with a dynamic URL containing the "Track Order" and “Contact Support” buttons.
- to: The recipient's phone number is "9876543210" with a country code of "91".
- acceptedResponse: An array of expected or accepted responses from the recipient.