OS1 Services
Movement Tracking System
Location Tracking




Onboarding a New Device

To onboard a new device, send a POST request with the device's unique ID. This allows the device to start sending trace data via the MQTT broker or API.

  • Onboard a new device onto MTS to start sending trace data via MQTT broker or API.
  • Use the POST API to send data; ensure the hardware ID is unique for every device.

Update Trace Data

Get Trace Data

Get Missing Sequence Numbers

  • The GetMissingSequenceNumbers API fetches missing sequence numbers for a specific trackId and trackName and in between the provided time.

Deregister Device

  • The DeregisterDevice API is used to deregister devices in MTS by passing the isActive parameter in the body.

Get All Devices

  • The GetAllDevices API returns all devices pertaining to a specific tenant_id.