Vehicle Attributes
The Attributes are the specifications that determine the tasks a Vehicle can perform. The following Attributes are unique to defining a transportation medium:
Attribute | Description | Data Type |
modelName | Name of the vehicle to be Created. Example: Semi Truck | string |
ownerName (Optional) | ID of the Vehicle owner. Example: users:1234-5467-4456 | string |
referenceNumber | Unique ID of the vehicle. Example: 63419231 | string |
operator | User ID if the owner of the particular vehicle (user ID). Example: user:b03369f6-9d60-4f6e-bc06-2dd2e74d9ea1 | string |
vehicleCategory | Category of the Vehicle. Default: Truck, 2W, Car. Pattern: ^[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9,_-]{0,15}$. Example: Truck | string |
vehicleSubCategory | Sub-category of the Vehicle. Default: 2W - Motorcycle/Scooter/E-bike, Van, Truck - 19 ft/24 ft/32 ft. Pattern: ^[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9,_-]{0,15}$. Example: Bike | string |
ownershipType | The owner of the vehicle among self/seller/partner. Value (Any Of): Tenant, Individual. Example: Tenant | string |
vehicleMode (Optional) | The mode of the Vehicle. Value (Any of): Land, Air, Sea. Example: Land | string |
fuelType (Optional) | The fuel type of the Vehicle. Value (Any Of): Petrol/Gasoline, Diesel, Electric, CNG, Manual/Hand-powered | string |
registrationNumber | The registration number of the vehicle as in the records. Example: MH 01 AS 0101 | string |
registrationYear (Optional) | The registration year of the vehicle as in records. Example: 2020 | number |
vehicleStructure (Optional) | The structure of the vehicle among Single-unit/Multi-unit/Tractor. Value: Single-unit, Multi-unit, Tractor. Example: Single-unit | string |
modelYear (Optional) | Example: 2020 | number |
reportingCenter (Optional) | Reporting Center of the vehicle (Participant ID if exists). Example: oofacilities:4d6e7125-aaa3-4ea1-9fd4-44c4f1cad179 | string |
numberOfJobs (Optional) | Example: 10 | number |
totalDistance (Optional) | Example: 34 | number |
totalTravelTime (Optional) | Example: 4 | number |
totalLateTime (Optional) | Example: 1 | number |
payload (Optional) | Example: 100 | number |
payloadVolumetric (Optional) | Example: 15 | number |
costPerMonth (Optional) | Example: 1005 | number |
numberOfDays (Optional) | Example: 10 | number |
ratePerHr (Optional) | Example: 16 | number |
ratePerKm (Optional) | Example: 16 | number |
fuelTankCapacity (Optional) | Example: 16 | number |
batteryCapacity (Optional) | Example: 16 | number |
vehicleType (Optional) | Example: 4-Wheeler | string |
containerDimensions (Optional) | Example: 15_20_17 | string |
teams | Example: List [ "teams:2452-2253-2223-3332", "teams:5437-2273-8972-3345" ] | string |