OS1 Services




The Webhook service provides a simple, streamlined, and reliable conduit between the event publishers and subscribers. For publishers, developers of services that generate events, it offers an efficient way to broadcast these events without complex integrations like Kafka streams. 

On the other hand, subscribers, mainly app developers, can easily subscribe to these events, enabling real-time responsiveness in their applications. This service simplifies the process of sending and receiving event notifications, ensuring seamless and real-time data flow between publishers and subscribers.

How it Works

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Here's a brief overview of the process:

  1. Create App Configuration: Apps that want to act as publishers need to register   using two details: their permission requirements for subscribers and a name that subscribers will use to identify the app.
  2. Event Registration: Publishers register their events with the webhook service, detailing the events they will broadcast.
  3. Event Subscriptions: Consumer apps can retrieve and subscribe to registered events and specify which event types they want updates on.
  4. Processing and Filtering: The webhook service processes events, applies necessary filters, and forwards only the relevant events to the subscribers' specified webhook endpoints.
  5. Customizable Subscriptions: Subscriptions can be customized to include either core, custom, or both attributes of the events.
  6. Reliable Delivery: The service ensures reliable delivery of events, managing retries and backoffs effectively in case of any delivery issues to guarantee that events reach their intended destinations.


App Configurations

Events Registration APIs for Publishers

Subscriptions APIs for Consumers